December 25, 2015

A Christmas Thought for Introverts Everywhere! (and Otaku!)

"What is Love?", a popular ballad that goes like,
"What is love, baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me no more".
If you know the song I'm talking about you know it's catchy and that its been featured in many movies. But unlike how its upbeat nature suggests, it has a haunting and chilling message.

The question resounds over and over again, "What is Love"?, that reminds the listener that they'll never know what love is and that it hurt the messenger. Why is love so questionable and hurtful? Pay attention, to the next sentence because it holds the answer to your question, maybe. One person always loves another more than that person loves that person back.

That could have been a hefty statement. Do you think it's possible for two people to love each other with the same amount and kind of love? If you think the answer's yes then I would argue that you're half right then. There is hope for team yes, after all! Maybe...

Just think and question...
"When you love someone do they feel loved?"
"When someone loves you can you feel loved?"


Merry Christmas to All and a very Good Night!

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