November 29, 2015

Why are old guys in Japan so cool? Man, I would do anything to have a drink with a Japanese old guy. They are always talking about "youth" as if it were something cool to be young and not old. As if they themselves found the secret to enjoying youth and loving life; then love to see new young people being themselves.

These days, a lot of old guys seem crotchety and angry, as if young people are taking all of the oxygen away from their oxygen machines or something. It might or might not have to do with the interweb and the skyrocketing use of smart phones. Then again, it could just be because life can be a b**** or a d***. Hopefully its not beause being old is just plain hard. Then there would be no "COOL" guys to have an ice-col d beer with, those old Japanese guys.,d.eWE&psig=AFQjCNGWTGhWD8jYI4YoBXYqgIKOa7ltDQ&ust=1448821918105522

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