January 29, 2013

Anime Review: Vandread

 Anime Review!
Have you ever heard the phrase, "Men are from Mars and women are from Venus". If you like any part of that phrase, you should watch Vandread. In Vandread men and women live on two different planets in space and hate each other! It all begins when three peculiar guys get caught by a pirate ship, from Mujer the planet of women. Oh and there's giant mechs like in Gundam! And then it all gets better from there!

The male planet of Taraq values manly qualities
Like toughness, valor, honor, honesty,
endurance, and strength.

The main character, Hibiki, pictured above becomes the hero of the ship, just like in any other giant mech show. However he can only unleash his full power when his ship is "combined" with a female ship and a girl is sitting on his lap! Now isn't that ecchi!
The female planet, Mujer, is more in tune
with feminine qualities like harmony
and resilience. And don't forget good
old female scorn.

This show has a lot of hidden sexual tension within it. It's a great show to watch after a long day at work or school. I have to admit that the battles are anti-climactic and boring. But the plot is reasonable and will keep you watching, if only to see how much men get to know the women and vice versa.                                                                This show is on netflix!

I recommend it, but you'll have to see for yourself.

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