Tsunaida Te by Lil'B
"On Saturdays when the crowds are so big that we bump into people
I don’t want to lose sight of you
At this time, your hand in mine gives me twice as much strength"
(Click "Read More" for the full post with lyrics!)
No matter how many times we’re reborn
I want to meet you here again
I’ll hold your hand so we’re not separated
We talked until the sun came up in the morning
We held hands until the sun went down in the evening
Let’s spend tomorrow and the next day like this too
Shadows and light
Now I wonder
What do you carry in your heart
And what world did you live in?
You can’t find warmth alone
Looking at the town with lonely eyes
When I met you
I learned for the first time
Just how much strength love gives you
No matter how many times we’re reborn
I want to meet you here again
I’ll hold your hand so we’re not separated
I can’t sleep alone, because I can’t dream
On starless nights, I’ll keep shining on you
And take you to a place where no anxiety can reach you
I can go anywhere if I’m with you
Even roads that I couldn’t walk alone
With you I can walk them, humming as I go
As long as you’re here, I’m happy
If we hadn’t met
I would have missed out on so many happinesses
When I was anxious, you held me tight
When I was about to lose sight of tomorrow in the crowd
And those times alone when love hurt
I’d forgotten how to offset my loneliness
I’ll put my hand back in yours again and again
And we’ll walk every road together
If I’ve got a dream that I can’t fulfil alone
Then I’ll go and fulfil it with you
One happiness that I share with you
On Saturdays when the crowds are so big that we bump into people
I don’t want to lose sight of you
At this time, your hand in mine gives me twice as much strength
I feel warmth and love and no more cry
Your cellphone lights up in your faded jeans pocket
But I don’t want to let you know
And the devil on my shoulder makes me say nothing
I just hate it when you’re not around...
I’m kind of scared that you’ll get stolen away from me
I want to stay connected to the person who’s so special to me
I won’t let anyone take away this love
Yeah, let’s hold hands so much that everyone in town hates us
The more of a wimp I am, the more I pretend to be strong
But I can’t...can I cry?
The autumn breeze...soon it’ll be the season when we met
Back then, I was looking for love
No matter how many times we’re reborn
I want to meet you here again
I’ll hold your hand so we’re not separated
I can’t sleep alone, because I can’t dream
I’ll take you to a place where no anxiety can reach you
If I’ve got a dream that I can’t fulfil alone
Then I’ll go and fulfil it with you
One happiness that I share with you
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Music video,
tsunaida te
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The Otaku Reviewers
The Otaku Reviewers
This blog, "The Otaku Reviewers", was started in February of 2010 on this very same platform, Blogger. At first, it was a venture into the informational and informal world of comics, anime, video games, and Japanese culture. In other words, just a random blog.
Over time, the founder of the blog credited with the pseudonym "RPGhero" was joined by two fellow bloggers and friends with the names "Chansu" and "Deretsun". Together the three bloggers looked up interesting Japanese culture facts, recommended new anime, talked about their own "otaku" interests, and traveled across the United States to various anime conventions.
There have been off periods when the blog ceased production of content and there have been times when there would be dozens of blog posts per week. The schedule varies depending on the lives of the people behind the alias'. However the pattern is that we always get back into the game with even newer information about Japanese culture, anime, video games, and other nerdy hobbies.
The motto of our blog is:
"A cure for your apathy and an inspiration for your dreams. ...Applies to Otaku, anime fans, J-pop junkies, and the like"
The purpose is to blog about cool stuff related solely to anime and otaku stuff. There's no other reason we're doing this.

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