July 25, 2011

Interesting Developments in Japan!

This is a new segment dedicated to cool or important advances in Japanese science, tech, or gadgets! Enjoy!

An umbrella that shows your favorite digital pics on a rainy day!
Japanese scientist grows a mouse teeth in a mouse kidney!

Two graduate students at Keio's Graduate School of Media in Japan have created an internet umbrella that allows you to search some internet sites!

This umbrella can view photos on Flickr and watch videos on youtube! Imagine watching your favorite anime opening while strolling the streets on a rainy day.

Japanese scientists at the Research Institute for Science and technology have created mouse teeth in inside the kidney of the same mouse. Using the stem cells of the kidney the scientists were able to make teeth that they later transplanted into the mouth of the same mouse. Maybe this might have some useful effect if someone gets a cavity... This will make trips to the dentist even more something to look forward to. "OK Mr. RPGhero we're going to grow your new teeth in your kidney for a few days or weeks" hahaha.

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