July 29, 2011


Here at Otaku Reviewers, we are as selfless as Sakura Kyouko
with her strange yet cute desire to hand out free apples. But instead of
apples, you get sweet Otaku gear! 

"Kuu kai?"

"How do I enter the free contest giveaway?" you ask? Well, just follow the instructions below and you too can be eligible to receive some cool prizes from your friendly Otaku Reviewers writers.

*ahem* Need I emphasize that this contest is FREE?

[Information about signing up after the jump!]

Hello fellow otaku! If you haven't read Deretsun's awesome post on our Otakon Expectations, we're going to be at Otakon 2011! But that's not all!

If you've been a long-standing follower then you must remember our 2010 Christmas Giveaway. We had a lot of fun receiving entries and giving away awesome prizes, and of course playing Santa ;)

But this time the contest is BIGGER, like the convention that we are going to! Yes, we are hosting a 2011 Otakon Giveaway contest! Don't worry bloggers -- It's absolutely free and you don't even have to be at Otakon to compete!

The guidelines are simple:
1. Follow our blog here at www.otakureviewers.com (if you are already following then you've automatically completed this step!)
2. Comment in this post about a memorable con experience you've had in the past, or what you'd most like to do at a con. Of course your experience at Otakon 2011 is fair game! Those are the kind we like to see the most.

Complete theses steps before August 14th and you'll automatically be eligible!

Three winners will be chosen at *random* (your comment should be at least a couple sentences long, and have something interesting to say!) and will receive 1 of 3 awesome prizes:

1. Chemistry's "All the Best" CD set plus DVD!

2. Makoto Shinkai's 5 Centimeters Per Second poster!

3. A very unique surprise that we will purchase from the Dealer's room at Otakon 2011!


Competing is simple, free, and lots of fun! Unless we say otherwise, your comment puts you in the running immediately! Don't miss out on this opportunity, as us at Otaku Reviewers love to give away freebies as much as we like to post about the awesomeness of the Otaku world :)

We await your submissions! And if you're at Otakon, we hope to see you around!


EDIT: Look forward to our awesome review of Otakon 2011! We give cosplayers their moment in the limelight!


  1. I went to Otakon yesterday~
    Two of my favorite things that happened were I got Chemistry's autographs and I saw the designers of sixh. in person :D They all looked awesome!! :D I was spazzing the whole time. When Chemistry signed my poster, they said "thank you" with such cute accents x3 I couldn't hear sixh.'s talking much, but what I heard sounded nice~~ AAH I love sixh. they're so cool 83
    Ha maybe I should cosplay as one of them next year~~ :D

  2. My favorite convention experience is from when I attended MTAC 2010. The biggest experience of the con as a whole is that it happened on the same weekend as the Great Nashville Flood, which also made the con known as SwiMTAC, or FloodCon, and that it was my first MTAC!

    My most memorable experience there is during a random battle event. Cosplayers gather in a circle and battle it out with their props until there's a winner. I was there cosplaying as Auron from Final Fantasy X; I won the first round defeating an Advent Children Cloud. The battles eventually turned into a Battle Royale/Role Playing until the remaining characters were me, a Jiraiya, and a Miroku; who ever won the final round could take home Lulu, Tsunade, or Kohaku. Of course, being who he is, Jiraiya won; it might as well be all of the girls. XD

    I also got a lot of photos, hugs, and compliments from fellow con attendees! It took me 6 years to get around to making the costume and only 5 months to make it. I was the only Auron there... such an underrated character. :(

  3. My most memorable Con moments all involve being chosen for game shows (my friends tend to volunteer me) I'd say the best of those was during my first con, and I got called up to join the Match Game at Katsucon (I think) had to take the subway in DC to get there. I was so Nervous up there and I'm trying hard to think of answer that would match the panel, but I don't think the panel was trying to let us match, though I loved when I answered a question with a charictor from Utena that was a PERFECT answer that the host loved and had to explain to pretty much everyone there! it was a blast, even though I lost

  4. I've only been to one con, but, there, I was wearing my half-finished Archer cosplay, with the non-breathable fabric and all. In the Dealer's Room, which had broken AC or something, it got miserable...so I took the costume off and rolled up my black sleeves.
    ...Did you think that was memorable? It certainly was, in a way. But, at that con, other than the awesomeness of the Dealer's Room, I took part in a Mock Combat for Cosplay workshop. That was a lot of fun. I had recently started taking Krav Maga too, so it was interesting how differently the two compared. One was focused on aggression and such, while one was more about making a convincing fight without really ever making much contact. Of course, in practice, both stressed keeping your partner safe.

  5. Hauu~ hi everyone! It seems you've all had wonderful Con experiences--I can't wait to hear more from other people!

    If any of you were wondering you all qualify and thanks so much for sharing your experiences (and not making it like "I went to a Con. Went to the Dealer's Room. Had fun. The end.") =P.

    do you mind clarifying which convention you are talking about? (i.e. Otakon 2011, Katsucon, Sakuracon, etc.)

    @udoncooki & freddy13131:
    I'm not sure why but you are both not appearing on our followers list (aka "members" list). Are you sure you followed by "Joining our site"? Because I DO see our blog in your profiles so I wonder what's wrong. You might want to try re-following us. Thanks! :)

    I wish you all the best of luck in this giveaway! ^^


  6. I'm listed as Freddy Wang. That might be why. And it was IKKiCon 2011. Sorry about that.

  7. Ah okay, thanks :).

    @udoncooki might you also be listed as someone else?


  8. I'm listed as Helena ~, and I can see myself on the list..

  9. The contest is (well, was) officially over! Give us a couple days for deliberation and check back for a post of the winners! We'll also contact you for shipping address.

    Thank you for participating!!

  10. Everyone who participated!

    Send your email address/ shipping address to

    And check out which prize you won here:

