Aww look at that! It's your new little puppy dog. Let's just call him Woofers. He's so adorable, look how sleepy that little doggy is! Don't you just want to pet him? You and Woofers will always be together, no matter what happens! Best friends for life!
But wait, what the heck!? What's wrong with Woofers!? I t ... it looks like he just grew some new "appendages".... poor Woofers!
[Woofers... Before and after.]
That, technically, is Yuka

You say you want to know more about her power? Fine, you were better off not knowing...
She has the ability to manipulate boundaries.

And what would that be? Nothing, that's what.
There would just be NO air and NO water. It would be something new. Something I'd rather not put in my body.

Without boundaries, everything we know would just merge into one gigantic blob of nothingness. And Yukari has flawless control over every boundary imaginable. Without even discussing conceptual boundaries, you should be able to tell how powerful Yukari is.
And along with that, she has ageless wisdom and experience. Her age is AT LEAST 1200 years old. And what does she choose to do with all her time? Sleep. Yes, she's nothing but a lazy youkai. Even though she has the great responsibility of watching over Gensokyo, she just slacks off and has Ran do all the work in her stead.
I know what you're a

I could bore you with the history of Gensokyo, but by now you're probably dying with interest and will find it on your own. And yet you still complain that you don't know what gives Yukari the right to mutate your puppy!? Let's just say this: the power to manipulate boundaries, in essence, creates and/or denies existence. In fact, Gensokyo itself is speculated to be nothing but a plaything to her, created when she messed with the boundary between "real" and "imaginary" (note: "Gensokyo" literally means Land of Illusions). Since Gensokyo was created by placing a boundary between reality and fantasy, Yukari could do away with such a place as "Gensokyo" with the wave of a hand.
[There's a dramatization of the creation of Gensokyo in there! Did you spot it?]
Of course, you have no chance against such a being. She does battle in a relaxed position; always holding back her true power for fun. She hasn't a single weakness for you to take advantage of. And heck, youkai have to kill one or two humans every now and then to keep their reflexes sharp, right? It just turns out that you're one of them.
The only person speculated to have control over the youkai of boundaries is the maiden of the Hakurei Shrine, Reimu. Her abilities have close ties to the border of Gensokyo as well, making her equally as important as Yukari.
As you can imagine,

...But I still wouldn't pick a fight with them!

I hope you enjoyed our Super Touhou Character Profile!
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