January 19, 2011

Otaku Pop Psychology Synthesis!

 "You Are a Superhero, According to Psychology"
What if I said you are Naruto or Monkey D. Luffy?

If you didn't say, who? Then I'll tell you why!

Psychology tells us two things about when you watch anime. 

1) When you watch an anime your brain cells mimic and copy the characters on screen, it's almost like you fought Sasuke back then right?

Those cells are called mirror neurons, for those taking detailed notes. The extent to which your brain copies the characters depends on two things. One is how much you like and want to feel like that character. Two is how well the anime is made. Better anime that have better animation, that's truer to real life movements will make it easier for your brain to copy the character.

2) When you watch an anime you focus 100% on the anime and shut out all of the things that you usually think about... If you're an otaku, you agree!
Cognitive psychology studies have shown that people shut out all the things they usually think about and even if you know how the end of that show is going to play out, you'll still feel all the plot twists! This is because people are wired to be engaged in an activity and if you are just watching something on tv you are becoming engaged with the events IN the show, not your nosy parent nagging you about that chore you're putting off for anime.

Shh Focus on Flower!

So next time you watch Edward Elric pull a metal stake from his stomach you'll appreciate it!

Along with the next bad guy you take down!

Scientific References:
"Field Guide to the Die-Hard Fan" by Stephanie Booth. Psychology Today, February 2011.

"Instructional animations can be superior to statics when learning human motor skills" by A Wong, N Marcus, P Ayres, L Smith... Computers in Human Behavior, March 2009.


  1. So THAT'S why my arm stretched yesterday o_o

  2. so... If I watch tentacle hentai...?

  3. As long as you are tentacle and the tentacle isn't doing some very brutal S.tuff then that shows that you can transform your self concept too. Personally if I was a girl though, I would hate tentacle hentai. But girls are entitled to want to be the tentacle too, this is 2012 lol.

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