November 12, 2010

Vocaloid Track of the Whenever I Feel Like It {S2} 2

[This time, we have heated rivals Megurine Luka and Hatsune Miku battling it out!]

Welcome back, Vocaloid lovers! Did you know that the amount of Vocaloid songs is pretty much unmeasurable?! Vocaloid is both the name of the group of loveable characters that go along with the voices AND the name of the program used to make Vocaloid songs. Anyone, yes even you, can make a Vocaloid song if they have the program! And since it's so popular in Japan, there's no doubt that the amount of songs is always changing. Also many songs don't get as popular as the ones I've shared with you (although I've been trying to avoid the most well-known ones).

Anyway! There's your Vocaloid fact for the day. Now, today's PV Showdown not only contains two of the best songs ever created, but also two of the saddest. The theme is "parting ways"... some of you can already guess which song fits perfectly.

Luka's song of parting is called "Wanderlast." If you were given one wish right before the world... no, galaxy... no, existence itself were to disappear, what would it be? Sitting in a pool of loneliness and despair over the news... how would you react? And if you were to send a bastion of hope out to the furthest reaches of space... what would it be?

"I will forever sing this unending song
before my end comes along..."

Megurine Luka - Wanderlast 3DPV [Piano Remix]

The world of Vocaloid was revolutionized by Hatsune Miku, right? That is what everyone wants us to think... what if no one ever used Vocaloid? What if everyone had thought Vocaloid was useless and sounded too synthetic during its beta stages and uninstalled it? Where would our adorable Miku be right now?

This song of parting is very famous for it's super-fast singing at many parts. It builds tension amazingly and is probably the saddest PVs I've seen other than Kokoro.

Hatsune Miku - The Disappearance of Hatsune Miku PV ver. 2

[There are some really amazing Choruses of this song on YouTube, and as you can imagine, they sing the really fast parts perfectly! Follow this link to see one of the best!!]

How sad this post is! But how awesome are the videos? And, which one did you like best? Feel free to post your thoughts in the comments! Here ends this installment of the {S2} segment, see you guys at the next time!

I did not subtitle or create this video or the music. I don't own it. Don't kill me, copyright people.



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