July 4, 2010

RPGHero's MyAnimeList Profile

Hey guys and girls!

I'm here to post MyAnimeList Profile!

Now that I have tabulated most of the anime I've watched it seems like a measly number... Though I'm watching a few series now I'm no where near hardcore. But I do think I've seen enough anime to continue to be qualified at least by enthusiasm to keep blogging to you guys about anime!! And thank you everyone for reading!


And, you'll see on my profile, as an RPGHero my favorite RPG Hero is...

Serge from Chrono Cross (I know there's alot of other kickass heroes but that game is pretty epic)

I recommend everyone out there make one of these! Maybe when you tabulate your anime you'll have more than me! But I do not think you will have more than Chansu. As they say, you're ten years too early!

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