July 6, 2010

Manabi Straight :::Anime Recommendation:::

Gakuen Utopia Manabi Straight is another personal favorite, so here we
go... to the review! "Forward! GO!"

"Ugh, school." We all know that feeling. Even in a futuristic age
with hovercraft and holograms, school is STILL boring. If konata were
here she'd say "nanto naku ne" which means "nothing to do." But
that's not what Manabi would say! What would she say you ask?
Nothing other than "MASSUGU... GO!" or in other words: "FORWARD, GO!"

With someone that outgoing and optimistic as your school president,
how could school NOT be fun? You might be thinking "How could a
school president make the usually boring school fun!?" You're going
to have to watch Manabi Straight to find out! =P

And who knows, if there's a Manabi in town you might wake up one day
and BOOM! school is suddenly fun! How great would that be!?

Not only is Manabi outgoing, she's also very random! You can watch
her random yet touching performance here:

(Uploaded myself of course ^^)

This shoujo anime shows the power of perseverance, friendship, and
optimism and carries heartwarming, hilarious, and moe-filled wonders
of an all girls school!

So if you get a chance, don't forget to check out Gakuen Utopia Manabi
Straight! :)

Here's the opening video for you guys!

(Uploaded myself of course ^^)

Here's Manabi's solo performance when added with music!

(Uploaded myself of course ^^)

That's all for today, thanks for reading! ^^

Don't forget: "まっすぐ、GO!"

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