June 16, 2010

Angel Beats! :::Anime Recommendation:::

So you've died. Now what? Do you try and stand up against fate? Or will you disappear without a fight?

Angel Beats (my second favorite anime) is about a group of people who are already dead and try to fight their way out of disappearing. What does it truly mean to disappear? Is it as bad as it seems? And who is this mysterious, supernatural, and silver haired girl they call "Angel"?

This anime is truly heart wrenching. Every side story makes you want to cry. But if you can handle it, this is another masterpiece by Key that I HIGHLY recommend. Chansu and I both love it.

Just the animation makes me want to cry. Check it out for yourself! Here's the opening. The song is called My Soul Your Beats By Lia and you can watch it here:

(uploaded myself, just for you guys! :))

Partial first episode spoiler:
It starts out with a new soul entering this world after dying on earth. He meets these weird people who point at this girl with a sniper scope, call her an Angel, and claim to be at war against her. Seeing nothing but an innocent silver-haired girl through the scope, the new guy doesn't understand. Unconvinced, the new guy walks towards the angel, but he's in for an unpleasant surprise.

If you want more you're going to have to check it out for yourself!

So if you get a chance, don't forget to check out Angel Beats!

...And check out Yui in action!
(Sneek peek at my moe-list: Yui = pink haired girl below. She is in my top 5! :))

That's all for today. Thanks for reading! ^^

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