March 21, 2010

Family Ties

Something that comes up alot in Japanese storytelling, namely anime and manga is inheritance. I'm not talking about inheritance of an estate or something like that. This is on the genetic level we're talking about.

What do the following anime characters have in common?
Naruto, Gohan, Gon, The Elric Brothers, Ichigo, Yoshida, etc

They all have a pops (father) that's the best thing since sliced bread.
The prase: "After all, you're his son"
Is a phrase that is repeated many times in the worlds of those characters.

Also, whether or not you realize it that is a key part of Japanese storytelling, just look at the number of anime I could name characters from the top of my head.

Somehow the genes for pure awesomeness are supposed to be passed on from father to offspring.
Usually I read textbooks and they don't say anything about awesomeness...haha.

But it is interesting to note.

Disclaimer: Don't go into the family business just because of this. Unless that's your interest too.

See Luffy didn't and he turned out fine...

Disclaimer: Luffy has not actually committed any crimes.

Sorry minna, I haven't posted in a hot minute (a few days)

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